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OsternAs a child, I always loved it when I was allowed to go to my grandma's cupboard in the living room on Saturday and get the bonbonnière to choose a sweet. My grandma's bonbonnière wasn't designed as an egg, but I still immediately had to think of this childhood memory and that's why I'd like to share the instructions for this bonbonnière.

"Wood painting. On a dainty wooden box in the shape of an egg, such as can be prepared for painting purposes, obtained ready-made in the appropriate shops or also ordered from a wood turner (made of maple or lime wood), the drawing given in natural size in Fig. 79, a graceful procession of young spring gods, is to be carefully transferred with graphite paper or pencil black and then neatly and delicately executed in sepia or Van=Dyck=brown with a drawing pen or fine brush. The ground can be kept in the same tone, but deep dark, or also black (ivory black)."
